Friday 16 September 2011

Anticancer Herbs: Can Cancer Be Treated Naturally?

Anticancer herbs can help. Cancer can be prevented; it can also be reversed. It does require lifestyle changes and effort, but it can be done. How do I know? I have worked with a Master in Holistic Healing and experienced the benefits for myself.

There are two important things to know:

1. People do heal cancer with anticancer herbs, cancer herbal treatment, and time proven remedies.
2.Believe that you can attain a healthy body. Your body needs your full cooperation in order to heal. Take an active role in your unique healing. Read for information; and consult with a natural health professional.
Remember, it is your body and your call.
• Stop adding more toxins into your body right now. There is a lot you can do. Remove all products, with toxic chemicals, from your food, drinks, air, hygiene-care and household cleaners.
• Stop eating all refined sugars. Nourish your body without feeding the cancer cells.
• If you smoke, stop.
• Stop drinking alcohol and pop.
• Balance pH levels of acid and alkaline. The best rule of thumb for alkalinity is to eat vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Limit the consumption of animal products as they increase acidity.
• Oxygenate and strengthen your blood with liquid chlorophyll and anticancer herbs.
• Exercise daily to move your lymphatic system. The only way for you lymph system to move is if you move.
• Build your immune system with anticancer herbs such as astragalus, paw paw, and use Silver Guard. These are all powerful helpers for the immune system.
• Take part in stress reducing activities such as meditation and yoga.
• Rest your body. Rest as often as possible throughout the day and at least 8 hours at night.
• Drink lots of pure water. Drinking water helps to flush out toxins.
• Listen to your body. Know when to detoxify and when to build.

The Paw Paw Program is an excellent book that details a cancer herbal treatment using anticancer herbs. This program has been successfully integrated with orthodox medical treatments. Orthodox treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Anticancer herbs can decrease the negative side effects, and increase the effectiveness, of the mainstream approaches.

The Paw Paw Program is designed to promote the natural healing abilities of your body, rather than fight the disease in your body. It is one part of a comprehensive whole program that includes corrective diet, emotional clearing, exercise, correct elimination and other natural health and life building strategies.
Remember, cancer can be healed. Be proactive in your own cure. Help yourself by working with the medical community; but do not leave all decisions to the medical community.

The purpose of this article is to help people make educated decisions about their health and to offer a perspective that has worked for the author and many others. It is written for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice or prescription for any condition.

Herbal Treatment With Medicinal Herb Seeds

Though human health is a foundation of lots of developments and crisis, it is also a great source of many types and sections of treatments. Many modern and upgraded treatment methods are developing day-by-day, however, the importance of home remedies and therapies still has a strong position among a number of patients and even the people who bear a normal health.

The natural treatment method Ayurveda has suggested a number of medicinal herb seeds, which are good for human health. These seeds are used in the form of powder, paste and even liquid. Among them, the Arnica seeds are used to treat soaks, wounds and bone losses. The Ashwagandha Seeds are used to treat many kinds of physical weakness and stress of mind. The Burdock seeds are good to treat a number of skin conditions. The liver condition is treated by the tonics of dandelion seeds. Some other important seeds are Ephedra Seeds, Comfrey Seeds, Chickweed Seeds, Clary Sage Seeds, Catnip Seeds, Black Cohosh Seeds, Chaste Tree Seeds, and Mullein Seeds etc. The Evening Primrose Seeds have proven to be useful in women health conditions like improper menstruation, vision difficulties etc. Currently, the extracts of these herbal medicines are also coming in the form of creams, lotions and even many types of tonics and toothpaste. However, if someone is trying for an herbal treatment for some serious health conditions, he/she should first catch a good doctor. The women who are in pregnancy should not take any medicine by her own.

The condition of dehydration is very common among many children, youth and even the adults. In this condition, the body losses significant amount of fluid and other essential liquid. It can be cured completely through home remedies. Usually, the patient is advised to have an adequate amount of water and buttermilk. Pomegranate and ginger with sliced leaves of tulsi, some extracts of papaya, green banana and coconut milk are also recommended for the treatment. The people who are suffering with any neurological disorders or Alzheimer's diseases are also given herbal therapies. Physicians suggest that these patients should have all those natural food items that are full of Vitamin C, B12 and K, zinc and Calcium.

The word home remedies or herbal treatment is actually a combination of those medicines that can generally be found in natural or home ingredients. This can be either a type of vegetable, fruit or some other type of natural extracts. This method of treatment can be very reliable and easily excessive. The healing process is used to treat health condition like chronic cough and cold, fever, mild infections, joint pains, headaches, any type of insect bites injuries or skin infections. The conditions can be more. The treatment methods are also been used for Acne, dandruff and even some of the asthma and arthritis cases. Some natural ingredients that are very common are turmeric, tulasi or holy basil, ginger, lime, garlic, clove, green tea leaves, cucumber etc. Among them, turmeric is very useful to treat common cold, diabetes, and early stage of cancer, normal inflammation and many of the bone diseases like osteoporosis. The green tea has been recommended as a great healing element for many of the liver problems, fatigue and even for tooth decay.

The people, who are going through the treatment of alcoholism, are always suggested to have green tea at least three times a day. Another famous herbal home medication is Tamarind; it is supportive in the healing of fractures, conjunctivitis and earaches. Lime is extremely famous in treatment of diarrhea and dehydration treatment. The Malabar Nut is also very well-known for the treatment of tuberculosis and menstruation problems.

Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - Top 4 Herbal Remedies For Hypertension

Herbal Remedies to Lower Blood Pressure - Top 4 Natural Treatments for Hypertension
If you are ready to get started on your way to naturally lower blood pressure, there are some important herbs you should know about. New clinical trials have forced even the archaic medical community to take notice of these effective, natural remedies. Here are the top four supplements that build-up your cardiovascular system and work on the causes of hypertension.

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies agree that OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT decreases blood pressure. Clinical research proves it lowers blood pressure by increasing coronary flow with absolutely no side effects. It also protects the heart and circulatory system from free radical damage with the additional benefit of reducing LDL cholesterol.

The herb HAWTHORN has been used in many cultures for hundreds of years to treat high blood pressure. It is believed to dilate coronary blood vessels and maintain the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart.
CoQ10 is yet another natural treatment highly prescribed by cardiologists and medical doctors to prevent heart disease and related cardiovascular problems. By improving energy production in the heart muscle, CoQ10 has been documented as a natural means to lower BP after only 4-8 weeks of use.

GARLIC has long been recommended as the leading herb for the natural treatment of numerous health ailments. Studies show that raw GARLIC aids in overall cardiovascular health, including lowered blood pressure, with no side effects. Five to 10 minced raw garlic cloves per day, or 300mg of dried garlic three times per day, lowers cholesterol, prevents blood clots and destroy plaque in the arteries.

As always, before taking any herbs you should check with your doctor to see if they will interact with prescription medications you may be taking. And do not stop taking blood pressure medications without first discussing it with your doctor or a trained naturopath, herbalist or acupuncturist.

This is a list of herbs that have been found, or are suspected of, causing high blood pressure if not prescribed properly:

What Are Herbs?

In general terms, an herb is any plant that does not have a woody stem.
While that is the simple definition, historically herbs have come to include any plant which has a specific benefit to humans. This can be merely adding flavor to food or actually having medicinal or other healing properties.

Many people are confused as to what herbs really are.
Because of their many benefits, herb gardening has become quite popular. Growing and harvesting your own herbs can not only be convenient, it's enjoyable and can also help you to save money as packaged herbs are often quite costly.
Rather than spend money on the processed herbs you find in the grocery store, why not use your own, fresh crop?

It makes perfect sense.
Once you have found your answer to the question what are herbs, you can start considering exactly which herbs you'd most like to grow. Different plants can have different benefits, from easing stress to improving circulation to helping with memory loss.
From a culinary standpoint, the various plants can be used to enhance flavor or add an extra zing to recipes.
Fortunately, herb gardening is actually quite easy as most herbs are simple to grow.
You can plant everything from basil, chives and dill to sage and mint directly in your garden or put them in container or windowsill gardens for ease of access and to allow you to move them as the temperatures change and sunlight shifts.

There is really no easy answer when the question, what are herbs is asked.
hey come in different shapes and sizes, some are annuals (which need to be replanted every year) and others are perennials (which only need to be replanted every few years).
Some will grow very large, others remain small and low to the ground. Among the easiest herbs to grow is mint, which can come in many varieties and needs very little encouragement to flourish.
Herb gardening is really a matter of deciding where you want to plant and preparing the spot. Fresh soil, infused with compost or other organic matter, is extremely important as is controlling the amount of sunlight and water your plants get.
Most herbs don't need a lot of water, just keep them reasonably moist. Some will flourish in direct sunlight while others, like mint and lemon balm, prefer shade.

If you've wondered what are herbs, you are not alone and there is plenty of helpful information out there to get you started on your way to planning and maintaining your own herb garden.
It can be the easiest way for even the novice gardener to get his or her feet wet and be almost assured of success.

There is literally very little you can do to ruin an herb garden!
Nothing can beat the feeling of adding your own freshly grown herbs to a recipe or enjoying the relaxing scent of homegrown lavender at the end of a stressful day.

The Many Uses of HERBS

Herbs have been known for its many uses since ancient times. They are generally used for cooking (chefs would use them to decorate in plates or for garnishing), for its medicinal purposes and even for pest control. There are a lot of ways where one can grow an herb garden. It can be indoor or at some area outside the garden. But just like any other plants, herbs grow as annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. In growing your herbs, you will need a well-drained soil for it to grow perfectly. Herbs often don't need fertilizers. Herbs can grow well in a sunny location although some prefer full shade.

Herbs can be grown into a home garden or they can also be grown from seeds. If you choose to grow them from seeds, it is best to put them in a shallow pot or box in the late winter. Proper use of light can also be a big factor in growing your herbs. Make sure not to cover the whole seed with soil as herbs don't have a deep root base. Although most herbs can be grown from seeds, few of them don't transplant well such as dill, fennel, coriander and anise and can only be planted directly into the garden.

In conclusion, herb gardening can be very easy and worthwhile. It can be rewarding to grow herbs for its many uses and benefits. It is best to get all the information you need and better understand everything about herbs before starting your own herbal gardening.

7 Supplements and Herbs For Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism

Many people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and other types of hypothyroidism look to take nutritional supplements and herbs to help manage their symptoms naturally. Taking the right supplements and herbs can really do wonders with someone who has a hypothyroid condition. In fact, when incorporating other lifestyle factors as well, many people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and other types of hypothyroidism can completely restore their health. So it's important to understand that while nutritional supplements and herbs can do wonders for one's health, taking them alone won't restore your health back to normal, and they might not even do a good job of managing one's symptoms.

As result, before you decide to take any of the following supplements or herbs, it's a good idea to speak with a holistic doctor who focuses on endocrine disorders. They will evaluate your condition to determine which of the following supplements and/or herbs you might need, what dosage is appropriate to take, etc. Plus, a good holistic doctor won't only try to manage your symptoms naturally, but if at all possible will try to cure your condition. While conventional endocrinologists and medical doctors simply tell their patients to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone for the rest of their life, a good natural endocrine doctor will try to find the underlying cause of the condition.
After all, most thyroid conditions don't simply develop "out of the blue". In other words, there usually is an underlying cause which in turn causes problems with the thyroid gland. So while taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone may do a good job of managing the symptoms (although not always), it will do absolutely nothing for the actual cause of the hypothyroid condition. On the other hand, following a natural thyroid treatment protocol can help to correct the underlying cause. And the following seven supplements/herbs can play a big role in the recovery process:

1. Eleuthero. Most people with hypothyroidism, including those with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, have adrenal problems. Eleuthero, also known as Siberian Ginseng, is an excellent herb that can help people do a better job of adapting to stressful situations. For people who have weakened adrenal glands, this herb will help them to recover and become strong again. This herb also helps with the immune system, which of course will benefit those people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition I took Eleuthero, as I had abnormally low cortisol levels and this herb, along with other factors, helped to restore my adrenal health back to normal.

2. Echinacea. Many people are familiar with this herb, which has a primary focus of improving immunity. This once again will be helpful for someone who has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, as well as with other autoimmune conditions. It is important to understand that the quality of this herb is important. While this is true with any other herb or nutritional supplements you take, the reason I bring this up with Echinacea is because this is a very popular herb that is sold in most nutrition stores, health food stores, pharmacies, and many other places. So it's important to take a high quality supplement in order to receive optimal results.

3. Iodine. Most people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and other hypothyroid conditions are deficient in iodine. However, while people with primary hypothyroidism can take iodine without a problem, those people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis can't take iodine until the autoimmune response has been addressed. If they do take iodine, there is a good chance their symptoms will become worse. So if you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, you need to first see a natural endocrine doctor who will address the immune system component. Once this is under control then the iodine deficiency can be addressed.
But how can someone tell if they have an iodine deficiency? The best method is through an iodine loading test, which is a urine test that involves taking a 50mg tablet of iodine, and then seeing how much iodine you excrete over a 24 hour period. Once it has been determined that you have an iodine deficiency, you will want to take a high quality iodine supplement, and gradually increase the dosage to address this deficiency. I've written separate articles on iodine deficiency, and in addition to reading these, there's an excellent book entitled "Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It." I highly recommend anyone with a thyroid condition to read this book.

4. Bladderwrack. This is yet another great herb for people with hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Bladderwrack is a multipurpose herb, which means that it has many different benefits. This actually describes most herbs, as most of them do more than one thing. In any case, this herb directly impacts the thyroid gland, and also helps to increase the metabolic rate.

5. Ashwagandha. This is another wonderful herb for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Some of its functions include helping the body better cope with stress, as well as help with immunity. It also helps with the conversion of T4 to T3. There are numerous other benefits of this herb as well.

6. Selenium. Selenium is an extremely important mineral, as it is involved in the production of thyroid hormone. It is involved in the enzymatic reaction which converts T4 to T3, and so a deficiency in selenium may lead to the development of a hypothyroid condition. Many people have a selenium deficiency, but this can easily be addressed through supplementation, or by simply eating a handful of raw Brazil nuts each day.

7. Magnesium. Many people are also deficient in magnesium, which also is important in people with hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It is especially important for the proper utilization of iodine. So anyone who is iodine deficient should definitely make sure they aren't also magnesium deficient. There are numerous foods one can eat to address such a deficiency, such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, and unrefined grains. Or you can choose to take magnesium supplements instead.

So these are some of the nutritional supplements and herbs that people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis should consider taking. This of course isn't to suggest that everyone with these conditions needs to take all of these supplements and herbs, as this is why it is advised to consult with a competent holistic doctor. This way they could determine which nutritional deficiencies you have, see what herbs you can benefit from taking, and come up with a natural treatment plan to help restore your health back to normal.

Prescription Medicine and Herbal Remedies: Which Is Better?

Herbal medication has been used for thousands of years before prescription medication came into existence to treat various types of diseases and illnesses. Using natural substances such as herbs, fruits or even tincture (alcoholic extracts) it has been a way of life. But now when people speak about herbal medication they talk about them like there fads or call them an "alternative way of healing". They (typically non-users) write them off as being substandard when it comes to modern medicine.

Many people that subscribe to living there life the natural way believe that these herbal medications are more effective at not only treating but preventing illnesses and preventing their negative long term effects. But the FDA doesn't currently allow herbal medication to be classified as a medication or a drug. Manufactures have to classify them as a dietary supplement and they are not allowed to advertise what the healing benefits of each herb are.

The FDA along with the manufactures of these chemical drugs want you to believe that medications you purchase today were naturally derived from plants and animals. Sometimes this might be the case, but over time scientists came up with methods of chemically recreating these combinations so they could mass produce them without having to use plants or raise animals. Medications like this have evolved from natural cures to chemical copies. And many of these chemical medications aren't as beneficial to you because some contain many side effects that either leave you with a drug dependency or damage body organs such as the liver. Also since prescription medicine has been altered and modified extensively, chances are it has lost most of the natural benefit that a natural plant would have provided because plants know how to naturally process ingredients better than any human can process them synthetically as well.

With popularity of herbal medications, many fear dishonest manufactures that take advantage of people by selling medication claiming to be natural but there really not. Instead of our government providing help to regulate the system, they instead block all natural remedies so you can't even by many of the overseas medication which may be helpful in curing other diseases. They try everything they can to discourage natural remedies so they can steer people back to pharmaceutical corporations who are just looking to fill their pockets by selling you drugs that have vicious side effects.

Take for example, a particular medical condition that can be cured and prevented but you're medical doctor will never tell you. Our example is about kidney stones. This is a very painful blockage of calcium solids that can get stuck in the kidneys. Most doctors would suggest a chemical medication or possible surgery or a blast method to break up the stones. This can be painful or even costly especially to someone who might not have good insurance or might not have any at all. But there is a natural method of reducing the size and eliminating the stone and all it takes is drinking lemon juice. Another method which is also herbal and has official recognition in Germany for its effectiveness in getting rid of kidney stones is goldenrod. Goldenrod is a great herbal medication to help urinary tract problems but it's also not popular in the US. So this is a great example of a herbal method of treating an illness without needing to have a surgery to do so.

One thing to keep in mind over all is to always do the research when looking to take herbal medicine. In addition make sure to follow through with treatment and expect a slower effect as opposed to prescriptions. Check different brands and make sure the brand is good. And don't just go with chemical medication because you listen to some negative topic from someone who hasn't done any research themselves on natural medication. Many people who claim herbal medication isn't safe are people who work in the chemical industry and are looking to just make more money off you. Stay well informed by doing your own research